This is only a guide to starting your meeting.
There is a great deal written about SOS and this is only a narrow view
of the SOS group and the ways to hold a meeting. My purpose in setting
this down in a one page format is to provide an overview. Hopefully
you will walk away with a better understanding of SOS as I see it.
SOS-Save Our Selves
SOS offers an
approach to sobriety.
In SOS I build a
safe environment where there is no criticism of each other's
choices of recovery.
learn to say
- I
- Me - My
- & refrain from using You - We - You
Must - We Must -You Should -We Should - You Need To -
I provide a
safe place to share.
How do I go
about providing this safe place? I probably should start with
myself. I realize that I am unique. I am
one of a kind. No one has the same experiences or feelings that
I do. If I share what I have done or would do if I were in
that person's shoes and offer it in a sharing manner, then I probably
am doing it the SOS way.
If I stay
focused on the reason I'm here.
Me. My recovery.
if I try to fix someone else then I'm distracted from my recovery.
I do care about others in the group and because I care, I will
offer my support. Not my criticism. I know that for each
of us the way to sobriety is different.
I will
learn to accept that another person's recovery is going to be
different than mine. Part of my learning to fit into this
new world of sobriety is to help make this meeting as safe as
possible. This will make me a stronger person & add power to my
Every person in
the group should have a chance to
This should be done first.
The first priority. A signal should be decided in advance, to enable
every one to talk. After the signal is given, the person speaking knows
the reason for the signal is to give them a chance to wind
up, condense. If there is time they can continue latter.
It is
of great importance that each person has a voice.
After everyone speaks that wants to speak, then the floor can be opened,
again using a signal to shorten each person's time in speaking. At
your meeting you are free to use what works.
We learn that
this Group belongs to each of us.
Leaders should rotate.
Religious &
Non Religious Freedom.
I know that in a recovery group there will be people with differing
views on religion. There will be people with different views on
politics. To keep our focuses on recovery and keep our religious and
political views intact, free from criticism or having members trying to
convert each other to their religion or politics, it is in the best
interest of the group and each of us that our religious or non religious
beliefs be expressed with like minded people outside of meetings.
There will be
no promotion of drug use.
Except for medical reasons. Not for getting high reasons. If you are
in recovery for alcohol and had no problem with pot don't start using
This is a
Abstinence group.
I will repeat: SOS is a Abstinence group.
Some members
don't refer to themselves as an alcoholic or a drug addict. Each of us
have the right to paint a picture of our self as we choose. The purpose
of the group is to live life clean and sober. The purpose is not to
chant in unison, as we are each unique.
Each individual
is a leader in his or her own sobriety.
Our philosophy is that each individual is unique and should therefore
find and fashion his or her own road to sober living and a full life.
We have no interest in member's private beliefs or lifestyles.
All groups
are independent
We work together as a
voluntary association of free- thought groups.
SOS has no central apparatus, hierarchical structures or authoritarian
There is no
hidden agenda.
I am free to
use other support groups.
There is no one way. My using other support groups will not in any way
affect my standing in SOS.
Will Become the Captain of My Ship & Sail
into a New Life.
I am
the captain of my ship & am sailing in my new life.
religious or non- religious beliefs
are never
challenged in the group because they are a private part of my
With my mind clear, free of Alcohol/Drugs I will be better equipped to
follow my belief system. I can expand and strengthen my belief system
with like minded
people outside of
Christians have
many branches.
Catholics & Baptist may want to worship in different Churches - Hindu -
Hari Krishna - Buddhist - Moslem - Agnostic - Atheist - may want to
practice their beliefs with like minded people outside of
A safe place.
So here in SOS I build a safe place where
Here everyone is encouraged to
follow their own belief system.
No One Preaches
Tries to
Convert -or- Subvert Another's Belief System.
Here we
are each Unique.
We Celebrate- & - Support this Uniqueness.
From this celebration of just how different we are. Strength & Power
Clean and sober I learn to use the Power I have within
myself to change my life forever.
We are
each Unique
As are our Group Meetings. There is no one way, there is only the way
that works for you or your group. If it isn't working then it is up to
each of us to to find the way that works for us or our group. When you
find things that work please share with the group, so we can all
I will Accept the Challenge of Living Life Alcohol/Drug Free.
I have
accepted the challenge of living my life Alcohol/drug free.
Duaine Metevia from Dallas
Thank you at SOS Dallas for this web page. To see
all of the SOS Dallas web site go to