CFI West International
Clearing House
SOS Information--Web Links--How to find a
meeting in your area--
This Web Site is up to date because of the hard
work of Terry.

SOS International
SOS Information--Web links--Some pages from the
family of
SOS web sites.

SOS Humanist Web Page
SOS Information--Web Links
The SOS movement began with an article in the
Summer 1985 issue of
Free Inquiry
the leading secular humanist journal in the

Secular Sobriety
Information on SOS --a bulletin board--&-- web

behind bars
up to meet the needs of those behind bars
SOS Meetings and those who want to volunteer
go into jails & prisons to start or be a part
SOS Meetings Behind Bars.

- Save Our Selves -
is recognized by the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice
as an Official Alternative to AA Group
There are over 150 meetings in Texas Jails &

Sos Dallas
Dallas Meeting
Alcohol/Drug Recovery Support Group.
Each person is in charge of there own
Our focus is on recovery.
Self Empowerment - Religious & Non Religious
Freedom - Free Thought.
We support total abstinence. No hidden
We are part of the world wide association of

SOS Rochester-NY
Up to Date News Page
SOS Group in Rochester-NY-USA

SOS Western New York
SOS Group in Western New York

Madtown Secular Recovery
Madison Wisconsin

SOS Sarasota
Florida Meeting
learn from each other. s.o.s.
Sarasota Meeting is dedicated to
sharing techniques and
information. We
learn from responsible literature
and from S.O.S. publications.
We learn how to maintain our
sobriety, defeat nicotine, caffeine,
or any addiction which we find is
constraining, unhealthy and harming
our daily life.
We help each other.
Our meetings, we hope, are
appropriate to the 21st century, but
we do not disparage the
organizations like A.A. who do an
outstanding job utilizing the more
traditional 12 step approach. |

Are You New to Recovery?
Looking For an Alternative Recovery Program?

SOS Belgium

SOS Belgium

SOS London
Sos Group in London
SOS London

SOS Norg
SOS Norwegian
Group in Norway

SOS Australia
SOS Group in Australia

Group in Iceland

Secular Support
These groups are not SOS Groups but use some
of the SOS Principles

Secular Support Services
Welcome to Secular Support Services. Our
members offer each other support, personal
resources, & the exchange of ideas regarding
*secular* means of refraining from addictive
eating/eating disorder behaviors, & of
effecting change in our lives. We welcome
all persons who self-identify with, or have
been medically diagnosed with any of the
following: food addiction,
refined-carbohydrate addiction, bulimia
nervosa, anorexia nervosa, bulimarexia, over
eating, compulsive eating, compulsive
overeating, binge eating,
binge-purge syndrome, rapid eating,
compulsive exercise, exercise addiction,
eating disorder.

SOS E-Mail Chat Groups

Save Our Selves E-Group
SOS Save Our Selves E-Support Group
Keep up to date. Get and give
support. Talk with SOS members
from around the world.
This is the Home Group of SOS
E-Support Groups, built as a
safe place to come and share. We
will promote other SOS Groups
that are getting started or
Groups of long standing. This is
a great place to be if you want
to promote your SOS Group.
Keep up to date with new groups
--new web sites --articles
written by members-- in the
news, new stuff happening in
science that's related to SOS.
Up to date list of SOS web sites
and groups. You will meet
people of long standing in SOS
as well as newcomers.
We give support to the newcomer
with only a few hours of
sobriety as well as the member
with years of sober living.

SOS International Women E-Group
International Women E-Support Group
Although we have no f2f meetings at this time.
We do have an International Group consisting of
women from all over the world. "Safe" "Dynamic"
"SOS Recovery Oriented"

Click to subscribe to SOS Women

SOS Groups E-Lists
For the use of promoting the Group and giving
Info to the local members
SOS Netherlands-Dutch E- Group
SOS Netherlands-Dutch E-support E-Group
This group will list local meeting times.
Places where meetings are being held. Contact
Info. Calendars & Posting when a Face to Face
meeting can't be attended.

SOS Chicago E-Group
SOS Chicago E-Support Group
This group will list local meeting times.
Places where meetings are being held. Contact
Calendars & Posting when a Face to Face meeting
can't be attended.

Click to subscribe to SOS Chicago

SOS Western New York E-Group
western new york E-Support Group
This group
will list local meeting times. Places where
meetings are being held. Contact Info.
Calendars & Posting when a Face to Face meeting
can't be attended.

Central Texas E-Group
Central Texas E-Support Group
This group will list local meeting times.
Places where meetings are being held. Contact
Info. Calendars & Posting when a Face to Face
meeting can't be attended.

SOS Dallas E-Group
SOS Dallas
E-Support Group
This group will list local meeting times.
Places where meetings are being held. Contact
Info. Calendars & Posting when a Face to Face
meeting can't be attended.

SOS Daytona E-Group
SOS Daytona E-Support Group
This group will list local meeting times.
Places where meetings are being held. Contact
Info. Calendars & Posting when a Face to Face
meeting can't be attended.

Real Time Chat Information

SOS Group Site
SOS Real Time Information
Real Time Meetings Information page. Times -
Places - Posting
Info. - SOS Links - SOS information.

Discussion Board
The Discussion Board allows us to open a topic
follow it through in some detail.
I can think of many possible uses
for such a board: read any good
books lately? any special techniques
that you have found useful in
recovery/life?, do you want to have
a discussion about an issue in
your life?, etc. If you have
anything that you |

Meetings Around The World
If you want to become a part of SOS let James
Christopher know you're out there.
If there is no meeting in your area, it could
mean that there are people in your area who are
waiting for more people to come forward and
start a meeting.
The way meetings start are people contacting the
clearing house and leaving their contact info.
Some cities only have phone contacts, people who
will talk with you or meet with you for coffee
so please leave your contact info; don't miss

SOS Save Our Selves
4773 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90027
Phone# 323-666-4295

Some of the contents of
this web site were written by SOS members.
To present a balance I invite you to send your
feelings and thoughts.
SOS@CFIWest.org &
Our web pages are in English. Some
countries use words differently and also some
times spell differently. I wish to keep their
thoughts intact, so I am leaving the web pages
as close as possible to the way I received them.
Duaine Metevia
If you want to become a part of SOS
let James Christopher know you're out there. If
there is no meetings listed in your area, it
could mean that there are people in your area
who are waiting for more people to come forward
and start a meeting. The way meetings start are
people contacting the clearing house and leaving
their contact info. Some cities only have phone
contacts, people who will talk with you or meet
with you for coffee, so please leave your
contact info; don't miss out.
Meetings Around The World
SOS Meetings Around the World
Save Our Selves
4773 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90027
Phone # 323-666-4295
Duaine Metevia
The content of this web site is for your
information only concerning the ideas and
methods of self help groups.
We do not accept any responsibility for their
accuracy or use.
You agree to hold harmless the SOS organizations
and webmaster from any and all
liability arising directly or indirectly from
your use of information contained in this web
The use of any information is entirely the
responsibility of the reader.
The same applies to all sites connected by links
from this site. The webmaster does not accept
responsibility for the content,
operation or use of information on linked
Links to other sites do not mean approval,
agreement or affiliation with those sites or
their sponsors.