It's here in 2005"
web site is built using some pages from
the family of SOS web sites.
Thanks to all of you who took part.
I encourage you visit all of the
(SOS) Save Our Selves Web Sites.
an SOS meeting near you

This will take you to the CFI
West web site
Save Our Selves (SOS)
4773 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90027
If you want to become a part
of SOS let James Christopher know you're out there. If there is
no meeting listed in your area. It could mean that there are
people in your area who are waiting for more people to come
forward and start a meeting. The way meetings start are people
contacting the clearing house and leaving there contact
info. Some Cities only have phone contacts people who will talk
to you or meet with you for coffee so please leave your contact
info don't miss out.
Meetings Around The World
Save Our Selves (SOS)
4773 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90027
SOS Save Our
Selves E-Group
Save Our Selves E-Support Group
Keep up to date.
Get and give support. Talk with SOS members from around the
This is the Home Group of SOS E-Support Groups, built as a safe
place to come and share. We will promote other SOS Groups that
are getting started or Groups of long standing. This is a great
place to be if you want to promote your SOS Group. Keep up to
date with new groups --new web sites --articles written by
members-- in the news, new stuff happening in science that's
related to SOS.
Up to date list
of SOS web sites and groups.
You will meet
people of long standing in SOS as well as newcomers. We
give support to the newcomer with only a few hours of sobriety
as well as the member with years of sober living.

Thanks to CFI West for part of this web page.
To see all of this web sit go to

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